Dear Entrepreneur, You may have heard the term “inflation” used frequently in the news but it’s rarely defined in explicit terms. Put simply, inflation is a decrease in the purchasing power of money. When inflation is high, goods and services cost more since the currency is worth less. Both consumers and businesses suffer during inflation: […]
How To Drive Sales Using Content Marketing
Dear Entrepreneur, In a world where there are billions of content being posted every day, how do you ensure that your content is seen by the people that matter to you or your business? One of the ways you can achieve this is by developing a content marketing strategy. Content marketing is a strategy used […]
6 Ways Technology Can Boost Your Business
Dear Entrepreneur, It is without doubt that technology has the ability to transform businesses no matter the size. Technology can promote the rapid growth of your business as well as deliver new ways for you to connect with your customers. In today’s business world, the majority of operational activities are automated, integrated, and re-engineered using […]
Business Outlook In 2023
Dear Entrepreneur, The year 2022 was quite eventful as we witnessed political and economic changes that generated ripples that were felt all across the globe. Notably, the Covid pandemic eventually came to an end with the easing of restrictions in various countries. Another notable event is the invasion of Ukraine by Russia which had […]